木曜日, 10月 28, 2004

Cardinals and Sox Series

Well I haven't talked baseball in a while. Mainly because it has been such a traumatic weekend. And I am not talking about the earthquake... My Redbirds are down three games now.... one lost at home in a blood red Busch Stadium. Game Four is underway right now...just 25 minutes into it to be exact...and a homer has already been hit off Marquis. We are going to have to go to a Game Seven to win the Series obviously... WE CANNOT BE SWEPT!!! that would be ridiculous to say the least... I will update later- got to go teach a smiling lot of scared kids some English...this weeks lesson is Halloween and then we are playing a baseball game for the celebration of the Series. I mean come on now you got a bunch of Japanese kids here singing take me out to the ballgame Root Root Root for the Cardonells. hear thier little calls...