月曜日, 6月 20, 2005

I Feel The Earth Move Under My Feet

Had two earthquakes today. Both of them were quite small, they registered a 4 here in Joetsu. I didn't feel the first one, although most everybody else did. I was walking around and the wind has been strong so I really didn't notice it. The second one, I was in the teachers room, everything rattled. It is weird because the thing with earthquakes is that they ease into the big tremors, so you never know if the little ones are going to end up being big ones. So you always kind of have to brace yourself for whatever will happen next.

There was also a quake last night in Tokyo, and I have heard there was another one later in the day in Osaka... THE PLATES ARE A'MOVIN~...if you are more interested on this and want to see the latest earthquake happenings you can check out this site: http://earthquake.usgs.gov/recenteqsww/