木曜日, 7月 13, 2006

Going Retro...

I have decided that due to my lack of posts lately, I should post some of the things I never got around to writing about....

Last year my sweet sweet Nanny came over to Japan. Jan is one of my oldest bestest friends and it was such a treat for her to come here. It was her first time to go across an Ocean for international travel, and she came by herself.. I love it. Jan arrived in Japan on my town matsuri day, and me being the evil friend I was, I asked her to travel from Narita to Arai to meet me. This was her first train experience. Jan tackled the adventure, made all the trains, somehow figured out how to calll my keitai to tell me she would be there earlier than we had thought... and although she arrived frustrated and tired to me drunk and clad in a yukata on the platform, she was a great sport about it. I wouldn't have put her up for anything that I didn't think she could do... and I am talking about one of the strongest most clever girls in the world here..

During her visit, we did lots of things, but being the outdoor goddess she is, at her request, we climbed several mountains...

since you couldn't be there with us, enjoy the scenic view (of a year ago)
This is of a local mountain, Yoneyama

isn't it just lovely

in the heavens

practicing my mantra~

the shrine

in the yoneyama shrine

jan and the shrine, no shirt, no shoes, no~

yoneyama summit

hot, sweaty, sexy, and on top of a mountain... one of three down... (we climbed Myoko-San and Fuji-San also)

jan kicking up her feet after the climb in the mountain hut

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