So now, I can send text messages from my ketai (cell phone) to my blog. DoCoMo (which is my Japanese mobile provider) is not yet supported for a photos, so I will have to keep it text only..this could be fun, I can always add pics later...
Had two earthquakes today. Both of them were quite small, they registered a 4 here in Joetsu. I didn't feel the first one, although most everybody else did. I was walking around and the wind has been strong so I really didn't notice it. The second one, I was in the teachers room, everything rattled. It is weird because the thing with earthquakes is that they ease into the big tremors, so you never know if the little ones are going to end up being big ones. So you always kind of have to brace yourself for whatever will happen next.
So I wrote a great post about my experiences from this weekend, and then my computer froze, losing it. I am sad, but will write it again so you can hear what it is like to experience a visit to the doctor (and not just any doctor)
Part of the adventure of living in Japan is partaking in the daily activities that we take for granted all the time. I still get a thrill getting behind the wheel of my car and going to work in the morning (I must say the ease of my little town sure beats morning traffic on 40). Just today, I went to a grand opening weekend of a grocery store. It was really exciting to see all the new foods that are available and to see all the patrons stirring about excited for the sales and the new selections (there was a gigantic fish- the length of an endcap refrigerator section that they were carving samples off...could you imagine getting a food sample of sashimi while hitting Kroger or Schnuks?). I would say daily I do something, which as normal as it may seem to me now, is no where near to the lifestyle I was living just a year ago, and I barely bat an eye at the differences anymore. I have gotten so accustomed to my lifestyle and the obscurities of Japan, that I, a person who loves to saturate herself in the beauty of the quirkiness of the world, find myself driving along passing roadside shrines and ricefields barely even thinking much of them. I do constantly have "Hell, Yea! I'm in Japan" moments, striking me; making me dance and sing praise of gratitude of my good fortune. I am completely appreciating the opportnity and path that my life has given me. I still love noting the asthetic beauty of everything, and I am constantly in awe of the grandeour of my experience, but I think that initial feeling that was at once so overwhelming , that nostalgic feeling of good god, where am i? has started to wear away....This thought had me feeling that I was good and settled, wondering if without the aid of visiting guests, would I ever have that fuzzy, wierd, first time experience again?.....That was , Until I made my annual trip to the gynecologist....
One of my favorite things to do is go and sit at the sushi bar at Funaie. Many times my friends and I will go with a good size group and sit at a table, but I prefer to go with a one or two people and squeeze in at the bar. (we always tend to get set corner of the bar, but that is ok, in the end people always end up coming over near us, and it gives us a good place to view all those coming and leaving the bar)
my students/cleaning crew are so cute, they teach me new words everyday by acting them out, today they taught me the word uchujin, it means was fun to guess what it was. lots of movies being named and hands over the head making faces kind of thing...
You Are a Soy Latte |
![]() At your best, you are: free spirited, down to earth, and relaxed At your worst, you are: dogmatic and picky You drink coffee when: you need a pick me up, and green tea isn't cutting it Your caffeine addiction level: medium |