木曜日, 11月 04, 2004

Winning with a Postcard

So, back in August I was reading Playback's website and they had a contest going on to win a copy of McSweeney's "The Future Dictionary of America" You were to write about what it means to be a patriotic...( oh and by the way, I was one of the four winners, at the following linkand postcard in all it's glory: http://www.playbackstl.com/Events/events124.htm )

On the card to playback:

Yea USA! (at least STL) Here I am living in Japan,but I still have the need for my local scenery and curmudgeon. I have just moved here to Japan, and am already getting my fare shareof media. In Japan, the media bombardment is limited to CNNJ and the BBC and the internet, but it still attacks my mind with pointless stories and it is an election year. Being abroad you learn a lot about yourself and how your country is percieved. you also learn that you represent that country (whether you agree with who is in office or not) and you have the power to change peoples negative perceptions by being friendly and understanding yourself. one of the great things about our country is our freedom to express. not only is it a freedom, it is a right: a right that is instilled in us through assertiveness and the ability to question leadership, choices, and history. These rights and characteristics exist in america. the citizens of the US know these rights and have begun to take them for granted. we have the right to vote and to even get off work so we can. that is not an inconvience (dont talk inconvience to me someonewho is voting absentee overseas) we also have theabiltiy to question the outcome how f** amazing isthat? I know I dont always agree witht the man in office (especially lately) and I know sometimes it feels like our voices dont get heard. i do know that I am patriotic becaue i love my country.. i just think we need to filll capitol hill with people who love it just as much. people who understand the importanceof differences and acceptanc. people willing to learnfrom each other. thanks,carrie sublett